Fame | Aftab Pureval net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Aftab Pureval? When is Aftab Pureval's birthday? Where is Aftab Pureval born? Where did Aftab Pureval grow up from? What's Aftab Pureval's age?

Aftab Pureval Born: September 9, 1982 (age 40years), Ohio, United States

How about Aftab Pureval's movies?

Aftab Pureval Movies: Blue Car

How about Aftab Pureval's parents?

Aftab Pureval Parents: Drenko Pureval, Devinder Pureval

How about Aftab Pureval's education?

Aftab Pureval Education: University of Cincinnati College of Law (2008), MORE

How about Aftab Pureval's nationality?

Aftab Pureval Nationality: American

How about Aftab Pureval's party?

Aftab Pureval Party: Democratic Party

How about Aftab Pureval's current position?

Aftab Pureval Current position: Mayor of Cincinnati since 2022

How much does the mayor of Cincinnati get paid?

As of Jun 17, 2023, the average annual pay for a Mayor in Cincinnati is $62,228 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $29.92 an hour. This is the equivalent of $1,196/week or $5,185/month.

What did mayor of Cincinnati say about game?

The mayor tweeted out a video with his \u201cThey Gotta Play Us Day\u201d proclamation for this Sunday and the AFC Championship Game. The proclamation reads, in part, \u201cWhereas, Kansas City is named after its neighboring state-which is, you know, just kind of weird.\u201d

Where does the mayor of Cincinnati live?

Mayor Aftab graduated from The Ohio State University and the University of Cincinnati for law school. He resides in Clifton with his wife, Whitney, and their sons, Bodhi and Rami.
